Big Government is never better than Democracy unless it becomes necessary for survival. When big right wing Government is necessary to save a nation from Communism, as Franco did, by defeating Communists in the Spanish Civil War, it absolutely saved Spain. It took a big far-right to crush the left or far left would destroy the nation. His form of Government ( known as Clerical Fascism (A Christian hybrid of Fascism that wasn't racist like Nazism and different than Mussolini's National Fascist party), lead to Spain's military victories, economic miracles, and golden years.
Now the Government has become his enemy, does it's best to demonize him, and Spain is sinking as a result.
Franco used Big far right wing Government to purge Spain of leftist errors and enemies of Christian morality. It was ugly at times, but over all, it was kind of like Chemotherapy and radiation for Spain's survival. Chemo lowers white blood-cell count and makes a person sick, but in the end can save their life.
He removed the malignant tumors and cancer cells of Civilization.
This lead to Spain's golden years. Franco ruled Spain as Conservative Monarchist until 1975, and His form of Fascism was the only Fascist Government that was successful, lead to an economic miracle, and Spain became the second-fastest growing economy in the world between 1959 and 1973.
If Clerical Fascism under people like Franco dominated Europe, it would do a lot of good for Europe, provided that they aren't racist. He would stop Muslims from entering, stop those there from getting citizenship, and have many deported and segregated from society, but that would benefit Europe.
Muslims cause the greatest national security crisis since world War 2, 80% are on welfare so they hurt the economy, many are openly desiring to conquer Europe and institute Shariah, and per-capita they are far more responsible for looting, vandalism, sexual assaults, criminal mischief, and terrorism.
It is completely obvious that the fewer Muslims there are in Europe or any free-country, the better off the economy and quality of life is. That is obvious.
Leftists have done much to destroy Europe, so for the sake of survival there is a rise in the far-right going on, that is unprecedented since WW2. If people like Franco ruled Europe, they would rid the Continent of the diseases that liberalism and Islam are killing the nation. Europe would see it's golden years.
Let's pray, in Jesus name, and by His precious blood, and the merit of His wounds and sacrifice, the merit of Mother Mary's intercession with all Angels and Saints, that there are right-wing victories throughout Europe, and that the left will be crushed. May Hillary Clinton's radical dishonest Communist Regime , which lacks common sense (and is an insult and enemy of all women while claiming to be feminist) be destroyed, and Trump win a Landslide victory, in Jesus Name.
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